Can Ice Bath help you lose weight?
IceCode Recovery
Aug 11 • 5 mins read

“Do ice baths help you lose weight?” has become one of the most popular cold therapy Google searches in recent years.
Today, let’s uncover this.
While eating healthier, exercising, and changing one’s lifestyle are the main factors in weight loss, taking a bath has also been shown to have an effect by scientists.
But how does this work technically?
In Tim Ferriss’s book “The 4-Hour Body“, writes about how he discovered that taking an ice bath can help you stay in shape and burn calories.
He continued by advising his followers to take ice baths three times a week to reduce weight.
The body is forced to discover other ways to stay warm when its core temperature drops.
Consider your body to be an extremely sophisticated mechanism. It reaches a point when it has to start burning calories to stay warm when its temperature drops.
The body’s stem cells are compelled by cold water therapy to produce dark fat cells rather than white ones.
Because brown fat cells have an active metabolism and can burn or oxidize white fat tissues in the body, you want this to occur.
You lose weight as a result of your body being compelled to burn down more of its energy stores, which are white fat cells.
Your body’s brown adipose and muscular tissues can be activated by taking a frigid plunge in an ice barrel.
The body is forced to discover other ways to stay warm when its core temperature drops.
Consider your body to be an extremely sophisticated mechanism. It reaches a point when it has to start burning calories to stay warm when its temperature drops.
The body’s stem cells are compelled by cold water therapy to produce dark fat cells rather than white ones.
Because brown fat cells have an active metabolism and can burn or oxidize white fat tissues in the body, you want this to occur.
You lose weight as a result of your body being compelled to burn down more of its energy stores, which are white fat cells.
Your body’s brown adipose and muscular tissues can be activated by taking a frigid plunge in an ice barrel.

FGF and irisin will be released after they are activated. Weight loss results from the burning of white fat tissues caused by these two hormones.
This notion is supported by another study, by the University of Nottingham, indicating that our bodies’ fat tissue is impacted by cold temperatures.
This notion was validated by Dr. Paul Lee, an endocrinologist at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research.
Dr. Lee started researching brown fat tissue at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2014.

Throughout his investigation, he discovered that irisin and FGF levels increased in response to exercise and cold.
To be more precise, shivering for 10 to 15 minutes enhanced the production of this hormone to the same extent as an hour of moderate exercise.
Additionally, Dr. Lee found that 50 grams of white fat have the capacity to store approximately 300 calories, while the same quantity of brown fat has the capacity to burn roughly 300 calories daily.
So, to sum up, all the technical,
Taking an Icecode Bath to Help Lose Weight Managing your weight can be a difficult road, but there is no saying it will not work.
With proper practice and commitment along with appropriate exercise, dietary changes, and other lifestyle enhancements,
Your weight loss journey will be more effective.
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